Executive CommitteePresident - James Donkin - President - David SinfieldSecretary - Julie PearceTreasurer - Troy AdamsManagement CommitteeRegistrar - Samantha PearceCompetition Secretary - David SinfieldClub Coach - Jackson HeffernanReferees Coordinator - James DonkinGround Custodian - Cameron WheatleyEquipment Officer - Oscar McCubbenCanteen Supervisor - Megan Lavender & Katrina FaulknerUniform & Merchandise Officer - VacantPlayers Representative - Phil LomasWebsite - Kath RaeMember Protection Officer - Sue McCubbenChild Protection Officer - Sue McCubbenGeneral CommitteeEmily Lavender, Kath Rae, Mitchell Dibb, Spencer Lavender, Jackson Gandy, Steve Hyem.
Marton Footballl Club started its first season in 1982 as a junior soccer club in which it registered 14 teams with the Sutherland Shire Junior Football Association. A total of 126 players were registered in this first year ranging from under 6’s through to under 11’s. This consisted of 8 non-competition teams (U6’s and U7’s) and 6 competition teams (U8’s and above). Under 8’s were competition teams until 1992.Graeme MacGraw was the first President of the Marton Football Club and it was through his drive and that of the first committee that the club was came into being. At the time, Marton Public School was expanding quickly, as was the Engadine area. Graeme approached the Sutherland Soccer Association late in 1981 with a proposal to establish a new soccer club based at Kingswood Road Oval. Graeme received that support of the association and that of the other clubs within Engadine.A flyer went out early in February 1982 through Marton Public School advertising a public meeting and seeking support for a new soccer club. The meeting was well attended and a committee elected. Registrations were held on 13th and 14th February 1982, only a matter of days after the public meeting. With 126 players, $898 in the bank and a lot of support from all concerned, Marton Football Club was born.While the public school also bears the name of Marton, at the time the club was formed the name Marton was intended to be given to the North Engadine area in recognition of the birthplace of Captain Cook. While the area was never renamed, Marton Public School and Marton Football Club have enjoyed a long and close association.Player registration fees for the first season were $6.00 per player with $0.60 per week match fee. The club finances for the year were dependant on the generosity of sponsors and a very active fund raising committee who organised all manner of activities in order to keep the fledging club going.The first games of 1982 saw Marton take the field in a temporary uniform consisted of a white tee shirts, black shorts and long black socks. The now familiar club colours of maroon, blue and white were not established until later in that first season the decision on the Marton colours was reported to be based on what was available to match the money in the bank. Hence the link between Marton Football Club and West Ham United was established.To the credit of the club the first season also produced their first Premiership team, being the U8D’s coached by John Armstrong and Managed by John Adams. The team finished their impressive season as undefeated minor premiers scoring 40 goals while only conceding 4 goals. One of these first Premiership jackets is currently on loan to the club and proudly displayed in the club house trophy cabinet.We can only imagine the energy and dedication that was needed by those involved at the time in creating a club from scratch and to bring together so many teams in their first season in such a short amount of time to become known as the MIGHTY MARTON HAMMERS!
Anzac Oval – Anzac Avenue, Engadine 9520 2386Austin Street – Austin St, IllawongBilla Road – Billa Rd, Bangor 0449 924 313Boystown Oval – Waratah Rd, Engadine 9545 5576Box Road Ovals – Box Rd, Sylvania Heights 9522 4087Buckle Reserve, Barnes Cres, Menai 9543 2587Bundeena Oval – Bundeena Dr, Bundeena 0422 490 743Canberra Road Oval – Canberra Rd, Sylvania 9522 0800Casuarina Oval – Casuarina Rd, Alfords Point 9543 2587Dobell Road Oval – Dobell Road, Engadine 9520 6956Glen McGrath Oval (ex Caringbah Oval) – Willarong Rd South, Caringbah 9542 7216Grays Point Oval – Angle Rd, Grays Point 9524 5729Gymea Bay Oval – Avenal & Gymea Bay Rd, Gymea 9525 1516Heathcote Oval – Wilson Pde, Heathcote 9520 3918Jannali Oval – Sutherland Rd, Jannali 9528 3519Kareela Oval – Princes Hwy, Kirrawee 9521 8780Kingswood Rd Oval – Kingswood Rd, Engadine 0434 314 011Kirrawee Oval – Forest Rd, Kirrawee 9521 1233Lakewood City Oval – Coolidge Crescent, Bonnet Bay 9528 2838Lilli Pilli Oval – Port Hacking Rd, Lilli Pilli 9526 1958Loftus Oval – Princes Hwy, Loftus 9521 8528Narnia Park (Coachwood) – Coachwood Dr, Alfords Point 0424 263 711North Caringbah Oval – Dianella St, Caringbah 9524 4914Oyster Bay Oval – Oyster Bay Rd, Oyster Bay 9528 4949Preston Park – Engadine Avenue, Engadine 9520 5610Prince Edward Park – Prince Edward Park Rd, WoronoraSeymour Shaw – The Boulevarde, Miranda 9524 3907Solander Fields – Captain Cook Drive, Woolooware 9523 9447Sutherland Oval – Grand Pde, Sutherland 9521 1681The Ridge Ovals – Off New Illawarra Rd, Barden Ridge 0424 532 071 or 0478 108 356Waratah Park Reserve – Rawson Ave, Sutherland 9521 6694Woolooware Oval – Kingsway & Woolooware Rd, Woolooware 9523 8172Woolooware High School – Woolooware Rd, WooloowareWoronora Heights Oval – Willaroo Ave, Woronora Heights 9545 5576Harrie Denning Soccer Centre – Bates Dr, Kareela 9542 35775 Sports Caringbah (Endeavour High School)- The Boulevarde, Caringbah 9540 6555
Club House Access
- Trial policy for Team Access to the Club House March 1999
- Arising from a decision made by the Marton Football Club Committee to allow wider access to the Club House on training nights, the following guidelines are intended to be used to allow such access on a trial basis :
- That either the Coach or Manager representing a team, may attend any of the regular committee meetings, and apply to the committee for access to the club house on a particular night of the week. It is anticipated that such access will be on the team’s training night.
- The Coach or Manager will need to demonstrate to the Committee that the team is intent on taking ALL care and ALL responsibility for the club house during such access.
- Should such application be viewed favourably by the majority of the Committee, then an F key will be issued to the person applying, and they shall become the nominated key-holder and consequently responsible for the use of the key, the behaviour of the team and the condition of the clubhouse.
- The normal club policy of issue and retrieval of keys shall apply.
- The following points are intended to provide Coaches, Managers and teams with an indication of the conditions of entry and use of the clubhouse :
- The Key holder is ALWAYS responsible for the behaviour of the team, the condition of the Club House and locking up before they leave.
- Remember - if you open it you are responsible for locking it.
- The key is not transferable – DO NOT LEND IT TO ANYONE even within your team.
- Junior teams are expected to be under adult supervision at all times.
- When the team is finished, make sure that all seats are returned to their correct place.
- The floor is to be swept, all rubbish placed in bins and the Clubhouse is left in a clean and tidy condition.
- The canteen and internal store room doors are to remain locked.
- In the event that the above guidelines are not adhered to, or there are reports of unacceptable behaviour, the key-holder(s) involved shall be asked to show reason to the committee why they and their team should continue to have access to the Club House. Where more than one team is implicated then all teams with access on that night may loose that access.
- The committee may review this policy at any time during the season. The hope is that this trial will be successful and all teams will be able to enjoy the privilege of using the club house as intended. Should this be the case there is every reason to expect such access in future season.
Code of Conduct
The following Code of Conduct has been established to set a framework of behavior expected of players, coaches and spectators representing Marton Soccer Club. Failure to comply with the standards set out in this document may lead to the forfeiture of the right to represent the club or attend club games or functions.Player Code of ConductPlay soccer for the enjoyment of the game with the goal of fun improving your skills and feeling good about your participation in the sport - winning is only a secondary part of playing:
- Play to the rules of the game, which are mutual agreements
- Be a good sport – applaud all good play whether by your team or your opponent
- Ensure you play in the spirit of sportsmanship and that you are never sent off
- Respect your opponents, Club Official’s, Match Official’s and Coach because without them you may not be able to participate in a sport that you enjoy playing
- Be honest in your attitude and preparation to training. Work equally hard for yourself and your team
- Thank the opposition players, referees and coaches at the end of the game by gathering in the centre of the field to shake hands and thank them for the game
- Soccer is a team game. Encourage your own team mates as every player makes mistakes and has his/her “off days”
- Display control, respect, dignity and professionalism to all involved with soccer - this includes but is not limited to officials, opponents, coaches, administrators, parents and spectators. Never abuse anyone, act aggressively or swear in frustration
- Never argue with the referee’s decision. Such decisions are final and must be respected whether you agree with them or not yours.
- Remember that children participate in sport for their enjoyment, not yours.
- Encourage your child to participate, do not force them
- Focus on the child’s efforts and performance rather than winning or losing.
- Encourage children always to play according to the rules and settle disagreements without resorting to hostility or violence
- Never ridicule or yell at a child for making a mistake or losing a competition
- Remember that all children learn best by example, appreciate good performances and skilful plays by all participants
- Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from sporting activities.
- Respect official’s decisions and teach children to do likewise.
- Show appreciation for volunteer coaches, officials and administrators, without them your child could not participate
- Never argue with the referee’s decision. Such decisions are final and must be respected whether you agree with them or not
- Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every young person regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion
- Display control, respect, dignity and professionalism to all involved with soccer - this includes but is not limited to officials, opponents, coaches, administrators, parents and spectators. Never abuse anyone, act aggressively or swear in frustration
- Be a positive role model
- Understand the repercussions if you breach this code of conduct
- Coaches must always promote the positive aspects of the game and reinforce to your players that the rules of the game are mutual agreements which no-one should evade or break.
- Never ridicule or yell at a player for making a mistake or losing a competition.
- Ensure that all players are treated fairly and equally regardless of gender, background or level of skill
- Avoid over playing talented players. All players deserve equal playing and training time regardless of their ability.
- Ensure fair play and not tolerate un-sportsmanship like behavior
- The coach is authorised to remove any player from the field who’s behavior is considered unacceptable or that may bring the Club into disrepute
- Display control, respect, dignity and professionalism to all involved with soccer - this includes but is not limited to officials, opponents, coaches, administrators, parents and spectators
- Ensure that coaching or training activities take place in a safe environment and are appropriate for the age, maturity, experience and ability of the players
- Avoid situations with your players that could be construed as compromising
- Ensure that any physical contact with players is appropriate to the situation and necessary for the player’s skill development
- Show concern and caution towards sick and injured players, follow professional advice in regards to players recommending training or games